For the first time since Covid lockdown in 2020 we've been to a wargame show. We met up with Paul from The Man Cave. He described our conversation as erudite, which is totally flattering given the amount of cussing a typical conversation with me entails.
I looked around the show, but only bought some size 0 Kolinsky sable brushes that were on offer. I saw a lot of bargains, but I need more stuff to paint like I need another hole in my head.

Susan took a picture of me looking at temptation and resisting the urge to buy more stuff. There were plenty of great looking games being run.
Above and below are a couple of pictures of the impressive games on show.
For a full on video showing what we saw, check out Big Lee of Miniature Adventures, who has you covered.
And Susan caught me on camera wondering around the vast hall. As you can see there was a plethora of tournaments games being played on the day too.
And afterwards I gave Paul a lift back to London in my M1009 CUCV Chevy Blazer.
We were blessed with nice weather and had a great day out.