TTS AAR: Britcon Game 5: Venetians vs Florentines
My final game at Britcon this year was against another Italian Condotteri
army: Nigel’s Florentines.
Although technically a different army to mine (an Ea...
Taking the High Ground. Or Not
Chris put on some more NQM for us this week. This time we were with the
British in Tunisia, fighting round Longstop Hill.
Steve & I were the British - t...
First World War in 28mm - British Army
My British force for the First World War, like my German force, is based
around the period 1916-18 and is intended for platoon level actions. It's a
Game Atmosphere, LoTR Rescues and 3D Prints
Whilst we moved in months ago, a barrage of furniture (36 IKEA flat packs!)
has dulled my enthusiasm for assembling minis. That said, I did make some
The Games Behind Your Government's Next War
The YouTube channel People Make Games just released this piece presented by
Quinn called, The Games Behind Your Government's Next War. I'm sharing
Back to War
So after seven months away from the game table, last night I went
downstairs and refreshed my memory about the battle and units set up on my
table since ...
Still around
I know it's been awhile--OK, a year since my last post. I have fallen out
of the blogging habit, with no real motivation to post more regularly.
Don't w...
Some SYW Front Rank Russians
Another short post to show off some projects completed over this summer.
My Seven Years project uses 6 infantry figures on a 2x2" base to give the
nice ...
Rediscovering Thunderbolt Apache Leader
Got some hobby supplies sent up from the Canberra Strategic Reserve,
including a few games. Amongst them was this gem by GMT Games in 1992: *Thunderbolt
I have a mate who comes to visit and go to a couple of wargame shows. I
have a good time and I enjoy the company. One of the shows is the Joy of
Six. A sho...
The Miller's Tale - Episode 9
Episode 9: in which Mike once again attempts to remember how the heck the
Heath Robinson-esque collection of RSS feed generator, local webspace and
Williamsburg Muster
I ran the Speeder Bike game again with a few minor adjustments to the
track and the rules. I put a gate on the other side of the Hutt palace, to
create ...
Happy New Year
Hi everyone, normally I would be posting my "review of the year" today and
my plan for 2024 tomorrow.
But as some of you may know I'm poorly in hospital...
I'm renaming my French Pan European Federation 7th Demi Brigade Légion Etrangère to 7e Brigade Blindée , "Force et Audace"...
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