I got distracted by a shiny idea. But this post is is an update on play-testing Big Little Wars.
I've found two more volunteers who are interested in seeing the rules, and two of my original volunteers are still working through the, but as people have noticed there is a lot of stuff going on in the world at the moment.
Enough distractions and anxiety to upset even the best of people.
As I've said to everyone who has shown an interest in the rules, the current timeline is for feedback by mid to late July. I'd rather do things thoroughly than force anyone to deliver feedback before they are ready.
I learnt my lesson way back in the day that thorough play-testing is a must. My main concerns at this stage are.
1. Are the rules too wordy?
2. Are the rules clearly written?
3. Do the game mechanics make sense?
4. Does the setting spark joy?
5. Have I missed something obvious/glaring that jumps out, however small?
Currently, the scenario section is the least fleshed out section, as I ran out of steam when I wrote them. However, I'm compiling ideas (stealing from others and making them my own) to expand this section.
Oh yes, the above is a Subatduku mech suit to support the alien infantry I painted a while back. Obviously inspired by District 9, I'm melding two of GZGs Crusty exosuits together to make a more robust military mech.
That's all for now.