Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Herts of Lard 2025

Saturday we went to Rickmansworth to play at the Herts of Lard wargaming show. So we were up early and out the door to get there for the 09.30 start. After some confusion we arrived at the right hall to be greeted by Joe Bilton announcing the start of the games.
In the morning session, I played a Call of Cthulhu variant of What a Cowboy.
This was a skirmish game playing as faculty members of the Miskatonic University who were chasing a thief who'd stolen a page from the Necronomicon. We were intercepted by other cultists who also wanted the manuscript the thief had stolen.
We lost.
In the afternoon, I played in a Chain of Command game of US paratroops versus Fallshirmjager with Gary who posted this video on YouTube.
We played as the US, in a game of two halves. The first, the US doing a good job of tying up the Germans. In the second half the US advance ground to a halt due to my ineffective leadership.
These were the first games I've played in a long time, and I really must be more proactive about getting out and having fun, as the day made me realize what I've been missing out on.
Catch you all on the bounce.