Two Reviews by my Peers
Review from Amazon
Two authors have reviewed Bad Dog, which is a great compliment. Neither of
them were sent complimentary copies, which means they bough...
Prussian Musketeer Regiment Mustered Into Service
I'm very happy that this large Prussian regiment for my SYW project is
complete and now mustered into service. These are Foundry 28mm figures,
and sin...
Well, that could have gone better.
I've not been around in the wargaming sense for a week or two, but we were
back in SHQ this Tuesday.
You may recall that I enjoyed an ancient naval game ...
HMAS Sydney versus Zeppelin L43 (LZ92), 1917
HMAS *Sydney*, famous for her destruction of the raider SMS *Emden* in 1915
in the Indian Ocean, was in 1917 part of the home seas fleet under the
The Battle Raged To An End
It is hard to believe that more than two months has passed since my last
post. I had just started back into my Barbarossa battle, a German attack
near P...
Some toasters
Another batch of battlemechs, which my wife christened "toasters" because
of their resemblance to the Cylons from *Battlestar Galactica*.
These guys were...
Game Design #109: Cinematic Moments
I bought the *Titanicus *rules out of interest (though I'll never afford
the minis!) and when experimenting with them I found myself thinking "this
is re...
The Miller's Tale - Episode 10
Episode 10: In which the podcast reaches double figures, and Mike has his
first ever guest, namely James Morris!
Links from the episode:
- James' we...
Happy New Year
Hi everyone, normally I would be posting my "review of the year" today and
my plan for 2024 tomorrow.
But as some of you may know I'm poorly in hospital...
Postponed - A Clash of Demons - CosCon 2020
Due to the coronavirus chaos, I'm going to withdraw this game and run it at
a later con. I am also developing another scenario using more of the
I'm renaming my French Pan European Federation 7th Demi Brigade Légion Etrangère to 7e Brigade Blindée , "Force et Audace"...
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