Reference Pages

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Gunstriders & Attack Robot

After losing track of taking some glamour shots of previously finished models. All can I say is I'm easily distracted, but I finally got around to taking some pictures.

And the insurgent improvised attack robot too.

 Here are a couple of pictures of the Gunstriders next to a Peter Pig Technical for size comparison.

And with a different Technical.


  1. Very glamourous. Love the graffiti.

  2. Well... it practically here, already.

    But looks not quite like that...

    Noisy anon

    1. Yep, but this is science fictional warfare. It gives me a lot of flexibility to interpret things based on esthetics.

    2. More like sci-fantasy... or retro-syfy. If you'd permit.

      To my regret most plausible... in scientific, technological and social terms... of OUR world -- which IMHO (but is it baseless?) is what termed sci-fi...

      Is "Screachers". Or even worse.

      But. I am open to entertain a thought. Or two.
      What differences in our world/parallel word must happen... for it to play that way.

      And it seem... development of microchips must stop on the level of 80th.
      That would eliminate remote controlled guns (no CCD sensors). While still enable some clanky robotics...

    3. Here.

      Is how modern war looks like (drone vs drone)

    4. I know what modern warfare looks like circa 2023, for definitions of modern warfare where both sides are unable to stop drones, but drones are aerial IEDs, used because of the limitations of the tech base.

    5. \\...limitations of the tech base.


      History of wars (First World War especially) tells that initial use of new weapon -- looks clumsy.

      But it will show its potential... with time.

      Drones -- it's muskets and tanks of nowadays.

  3. I would definitely not like to sit on one of those unless stationary

    1. Just like riding a horse... maybe? ;-)

    2. I presume that there, underneath of that bulky foot... are rollers.
      As it designated for use on asphalt/concrete roads mostly.
      And legs are just for stairs and other such human-sized nooks to pass through...

    3. Well... it need to have weight around a ton.

      For piggybacking a man so high above the ground... just not upsy-dazing all of the time. ;-)

      Sorry. It's not me. Just Physics. :-(

    4. Physics yes, active balance will be needed. See

    5. Yeah... but that is possible because of microchips MUCH MORE powerful then we have had in 80th.

      And YET... it still not gone through stage of prototypes...
