Reference Pages

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Insurgents Technicals

Three insurgent Technicals surge forth. Again, I painted these a while back, but hadn't gotten around to doing a glamour shot.

I still have the white one I converted into a command crew cab to finish, delayed because it made its bitch while I was painting it white.

Still, not all is lost as I can say, check out these civilian commercial robots.

And a final glamour shot of MAPCOMs Alpha Echo Romeo Tango Two team portrait. This is the team that walked in circles and went back through the pillars and were lost.

They may of course return to haunt MAPCOM in a later story. Who knows? Not I. I just write down what the voices tell me.


  1. Surprises me that you have a hard time painting white.
    All the models above look excellent.

    1. Ah, let me clarify, or should I say expand. Painting either black or white and have a model with a depth, or contrast when finished is very hard with these two colours. So yes, I can paint them, but paint them to them to satisfy my my critical eye, well that's another thing.
