Reference Pages

Friday 10 January 2020

Russian Object 490 Boxer


I found this Russian Object 490 Boxer, Obyekt 490 Боксер, on YouTube, as one does when one is browsing.

This tank was a concept never put into production caught my attention for obvious reasons. It kind of reminds me of SJG's Doppelsoldner, and you may all remember my doodles for a cybertank I had back here,  Panzer Jäger Mark One – PJM1-M1.

And I've put out the bits I was working on to make a cybertank onto my workbench in the hope I will be inspired to start working on it again.

With these bits:


  1. Great start Ashley and look forward to more updates.

  2. Looks like a good start. Are the legs attached to a sort of hull with a turret, or directly to the "fighting compartment/gun mount"?

    1. I'll let you know when I've figured it out. I'm a tactile model maker, shaping and forming things as I go.

  3. this caught my eye because of World of Tanks. I've moved on from that game but I can't quit Paint it Pink :-D

    cheers yo

    1. Thank you. That's so kind of you to say, given how little I've posted over the last year. But life goes on, and I see more to come.

  4. It does have a nice near future sci-fi look.
    Great start, happy to see you're building models again.
