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Thursday 2 January 2020

A Light Ahead


My Xmas present; an electronic microscope to see the smallest details.

 Well, what a year that was.

The least productive year I've had since I started this blog in August 2009. And I missed celebrating 10 years of blogging back in August too!

This has been down to a number of issues: pain in my joints, and the side-effects of medication, which has meant not being able to either hold a paintbrush in one hand or a miniature in the other at the same time.

If you want the full litany of problems of the last 10 years, go to my other blog for all the gribbly details.

Finally, I'm not one for making New Year resolutions, because by and large that's setting oneself up for failure, which can be useful if you "go large" and fail, but not so useful for a hobby that's just meant to be fun.

So let me wish everyone happy modeling and gaming for 2020, and I'll catch you all on the bounce.


  1. Fingers crossed you will have a better year this year. Having had my own medical issues over the past two years, I know how it can affect you. So a Happy New Year to you and let's hope it's a healthy one!

  2. Happy New Year and I hope you feel better! Will you be able to paint one handed using the microscope or is that to better see the results afterward? I already dread seeing my own paint jobs magnified in pics for my blog let alone even higher magnification using a microscope! :)

    1. Better to see the results. The medication also effects my vision. Did I say my life sucks? ;-)

  3. I hope your health will improve and you get to enjoy your hobby again.
    Happy New Year and all the best for 2020!

    1. Thank you. I'm optimistic that things can only get better from this point on.

  4. Best wishes for a happy and hobby filled 2020!

  5. Hi Ashley! (Yes I'm still out there)
    Sorry for your troubles - you have definitely earned a better year.

    I like the microscope, I might have to look into getting a toy like that!

    1. Nice to hear from you. It has been a long time since we last talked. Have a good year too.
