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Wednesday 11 January 2017

Miniature Wargame Issue 406

All the models, buildings and terrain were assembled and painted by me.

There are some BattleTech pictures I took for an article on Alpha Strike by Joe McCullough in the upcoming issue #406 of Miniature Wargames.  A preview of the contents can be found here.  Once I know what pictures I took that weren't used I will post them for everyone to see.


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  1. Looking forward to seeing your work - will pick my copy up on Smiths.

    1. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I'm looking forward to seeing it too.

  2. You are a much more serious photographer than most (all?) of us. Do you have some good, easy, references for taking pics of minis?

    1. Funny you should say that because I'm working on an article for John Treadway as we speak.

    2. I just wanted to add: good and easy references–choose one? No good references that are really easy, not real easy references that are good. Sorry.

  3. Looking forward to seeing them :)

    1. Me too because I took far more pictures than they used and want to know which ones didn't make the cut.

  4. Are you a fan of Alpha Strike? I know you've commented multiple times on CBT but I was curious about AS. I've found personally the weapons rules abstractions to be one step too far for me personally.

    1. Alpha Strike came about 25 years too late for me. I wrote an article when BattleForce came out converting it to single mech stats and melding the two rule-sets. I even ran several games for friends, but it lacked flavour. I much prefer my own Epiphany card activation system for playing BattleTech because it speeds up the one area where the game becomes really slow, namely deciding which mech one is going to move first.

      However, I have a reputation for having some nicely painted mechs, terrain, and for some reason known as being a reasonable photographer. Hence my contribution to the article in Miniature Wargames.

    2. Yeah, I didn't really get on with original BattleForce: flavour is very much the problem. BattleTech to me is all about the strengths and weaknesses of the specific units, and having move 4 attack 6 defence 3 may let you simulate a larger battle but isn't going to inspire anyone to write books about it.

      (Tin Soldier was my answer to this, linked from my name in case anyone's interested; but while it works and I find it more fun than BattleTech, it's not sufficiently faster to make playing company-sized, i.e. 12 or so units per side, battles into a sensible thing.)

    3. I'd agree with your assessment, but for me the big thing about any game is source books or background material i.e. novels. Because it's easier to get people to play Star Wars, for example, than some home-brew setting, which is why I imagine GW 40K does so well–despite the complaints of too many books everytime there's a new edition.

  5. Hey Ashley, thanks for making my article look good! J. McCullough

    1. My pleasure. I look forward to reading your article.
