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Friday 6 January 2017

Two More Russian Walkers

Over the Xmas period I had about four days of hobby time that was taken up with a request to take some pictures for a magazine, and then there was writing a reflection on last year for my other blog.

Despite those distractions I have still managed to make some progress building things.  In this case two more conversions of Caprice Heavy Gear models from the Dream Pod 9 KickStarter.

These use parts from both the Aphek and Bashan for this kitbash.

I'm now pondering over whether to have my Russian walker company with 20 models, or whether I will never need more than 11.

My inner slacker is saying 11 walkers is more than enough, but quantity has a quality all of its own.  It really depends on how the rules pan out, which given I've done nothing on them makes answering this question impossible.

The wargamers burden.


  1. It's a simple addition but I like the fuel tanks on the back. I suppose putting a log back there somewhere though would be a bit on the nose though. :)

    1. But I could put one hanging off the side! ;-)

  2. Forgot to add (and can't edit the previous comment on blogspot) but I think 11 is enough as long as they outnumber the other forces by 2:1 roughly (so 5-6 models max for other factions). That would visually if displayed together give them a "quantity is a quality" feel IMO.

    1. Yeah, that would work for me. But again, it all depends on how models my yet to be finished rules will handle while be fun to play (I add that because it's possible to run BattleTech games with shed ton of models, but it's not what I would call 'fun', as in easy or straightforward).

  3. I realise you'll camo them up eventually, but I rather like the effect of the metallic colour here - it has that "factory showroom" feel to it.

    As for size, well, is one walker regarded as one tank, or something less? There seems to have been a general drift down in armour companies from three-of-four to three-of-three, plus command tank, since the early 1990s.

    1. They will be painted at some point, given my track record that may be some time far in the future. As for what they are, my thoughts are tending towards them being super-duper IFVs because it makes the most sense to me from an operational perspective.

    2. So you could plausibly start with the motorised rifle company layout: a total of twelve vehicles, of which something like nine are general purpose, two are special purpose (carrying the machine gun / anti-tank platoon in the original) and one is command/HQ.

    3. That's food for thought. Cheers!
