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Monday 16 January 2017

Battlemech Group Shot

As you've read in my last blog post, I recently had cause to take my battlemech models off the shelf to take pictures of them, which meant dusting them and then getting my terrain boards out and setting them up to look interesting.  I can't show you any of those yet, because they were taken for a magazine article that I didn't write and know nothing about.  As and when the article appears in print I'll post the unused pictures here.

Anyway,  I have 47 mechs ready to plonk on the table top anytime I want to play a game, and looking at my workbench I have another 42 in various stages of being painted.  This doesn't include the tanks, APCs, helicopters, artillery, and infantry I have to paint either.

So when I put my mechs back on the shelf I sorted them out into combat groups and I really do have a lot of mechs and infantry ready to go.  If all goes well this year I may even be getting the opportunity to put them on the table and play with them too.


  1. Looks like you have had far too much time on your hands :)

    1. That as you quite rightly point out are a lot of work. But, a lot of work done over many years.

  2. Too much time or not those are amazing!

    1. Thank you for saying so. My painting techniques have moved on a pace from the first ones I did to the last mechs I finished. Time, and patience, and concentrations, and practice is all it takes.

  3. Excellent work. There are quite a few classics in there.

    1. That's an indicator of how long I've been playing BattleTech.

  4. Absolutely impressive! And tremendously inspiring.

    1. Thank you for saying so. A lot of work went into those.
