Reference Pages

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Progress: Three Mechs Ready for Paint

Finally, got another two combat armor mech suits ready for painting. Above is the running version of the CASE-2XC Mod 2 (backpack with two weapon mounts), and here it is broken down ready for primer.

Below is my second standing CASE-2X Mod 1 pose completed.

And below broken down ready for primer.


And for those who remember the CAS-1-Mod-1 Army construction combat armor mech suit has been tidied up and is also transferred to the paint shop.


  1. Fantastic work! Looking forward to seeing them painted.

    1. Me too... I have a love hate relationship with paint.

  2. I love what you did with the backpacks.

    1. It's the one area that I feel HG dropped the ball, and by that I mean they nailed the VOTOMS esthetic except for the backpack. HG is totally fixated on the V-engine and as a result lose the options that VOTOMS exploits for variants Scopedogs.

    2. I suppose I could play the devil's advocate and say they needed to differentiate it from the original inspiration in some major way to get away with it. For what it's worth, the V-engine was a big part of the fluff in 1e that made the gears possible along with the neural nets. I do agree though that they could have/should have done more with them despite them being engines.

    3. Sure, but I think I have shown that it is possible to have the V-engine and do more with the backpacks. But that might be boasting, so just saying.

    4. You've definitely shown it and I agree for what it's worth. :)

  3. Great stuff Ashley - they look super dynamic!

    1. Thank you. It is the one complaint against the original RAFM sculpts that they were lovely, but a bit static.

      The newer smaller HG from the Pod have largely addressed this problem in their metal miniatures. The plastics they do look somewhat stiff.

      Posing a figure, especially a meh is tricky because it's all about getting the pose right without the benefit of some of the tricks one can do with a figure of a biological organism.
