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Tuesday 12 July 2022

OMWB: Subatduku Combat Armor


My District 9 exosuit inspiration for the Subatduku combat armor still remains a work in progress. It has taken me longer than I anticipated to finish the sculpt largely because I keep making changes and modifications to tweek the design, see here.

I know that is just so me.

The head required a rethink, but it now swivels nicely. The arms are a pair of repurposed legs from my battletech box of spare parts. Still got to to change the ankle joints into hands, and some extra details to add to the legs too.

Also, this model is currently sidelined as I slap some paint on the mecha and combat androids I'm working on. Still, it is good.


  1. Looks good! In universe, is it remote piloted? The model looks alot smaller than your previous designs.

    1. It is smaller, it has less bulk, but it is piloted by the scrawny aliens I painted here:

      Said aliens having been taken back to the paint shop as I wasn't totally convinced they looked right.

  2. Very cool - reminds me of the walkers in the Maschinen Kreiger universe

    1. Now you've said it, yes it does. Serendipitous serendipity.
