Reference Pages

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Spot's On It

Bring it on. Anyone who doesn't think that the future has robots in it is sorely mistaken. I've lived with a love for robots ever since I was a child, and now the science, material technology, and engineering have come together.

Real robots.

Now all we need to do is start making them large enough to ride on, or ride in, and mecha will a thing.

Note: Always remember to consult a science fiction author before introducing robotic mechanisms into the world. Adverse, or unintended outcomes for human civilisation sometimes arise.


  1. Very clever, rather beautiful, graceful and yet with an edge of leaving you wary at the same time.

    1. Yeah. I welcome our robot overlords! ;-)

  2. Has anyone making these read Asimov? I hope so.

    1. Not yet. The AI is not yet generalized, as in work outside the box, which in this case would be independent reasoning.

  3. Well, the military are pushing ahead with semi-autonomous machines, not true AI but some independent subroutines. The boundary could be quite blurry. Going to get very interesting very soon. I was looking into naval applications particularly submersibles, but that was a few years back. Even then their capacity was astonishing. I'd love to see how they had progressed.

    1. Not only Naval, which is super cool, but drone wing men as well.

      My understanding is that against a peer opponent the electronic warfare part of an operation is going to become the key to gaining superiority over the battlespace, andit will be interesting to see how that pans out when shit hits the fan.
