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Monday 6 April 2020

Combat Armour Build: Dog and Ape WIP 1

Okay, here are my next two builds.

The model on the left is a Marine CASE-2X Dog, which is going to have a missile pack, rifle and sustained fire machine gun. The casting were pretty skanky, so I ended cutting the legs apart so I could clean out the misshapen excess lead.

The model on the right is an Army CAS-3-Mod-1 Ape, which is is going to have a missile pack, a M75A 40mm recoilless autocannon, and a M134 minigun. Basically another version of Espera's ride from Strike Dog

You can see what I did in the pictures below.

I don't know if the RAFM Jager had alternative leg castings; either way the space between the knee and thigh were just blobs of lead. So I chopped the legs off.

Yes, I know no fear...

Once everything was cut and cleaned up, I drilled and put in pins to hold all the parts together when glued. I bent up some wire staples to provide a robust point to fix the model to its base.

Having cut the joints I was able to bend the wire that pinned the parts together and do quite a nice repose of the legs.

And as you can see I've also split the butt plate off from the backpack casting.

A lot of fiddling around to get these castings licked into shape, hence still a work in progress. More next week. Stay safe, catch you all on the bounce.


  1. What is the base model that you're using on the right? I know it's a RAFM northern model but I'm not sure which one.

    1. It's a Desert Shark Hunter.

    2. It's a nice design. I only built Grizzly, Cheetah, and Jaguar models when I was doing my Rafm stuff but the classic original prototype HG is quite nice there even in pieces.

    3. Have you got round to painting them? Not trying to wind you up, just curious.

      Also, perhaps, time for some photographic love of your models up on your blog? You know, like FB: Here's a memory etc.

    4. They're still unpainted years later. I've found that both with traditional and 3d hobby work that I enjoy the act of conversion and the creation of a unique model more than painting. Part of that is due to my worsening eyesight that makes even achieving my prior middle of the road paint job quality more difficult and part of that is that I do genuinely enjoy the modelling whereas the painting is simply a means to an end. That end would be defined as having fully painted models to play tabletop games with (something that I strongly believe in) and playing HG simply hasn't ever been a realistic option despite my earnest attempts years ago.

      I am considering a RAFM scale 3d Model print though as I did make some progress on my Blitz scale prints with mixed results that I'll be adding to my blog hopefully this week. If I did a RAFM scale model, it would probably be the Hunter which would motivate me to build a classic one as a result of seeing your's even if only in pieces for an upcoming conversion!
