Reference Pages

Monday 30 March 2020

Keith & Pearson's CA Suits: Build (Mostly) Finished

Took me longer than I expected to finish both this mech. I had to fabricate a replacement claw as that part was missing from my model, so I used a part from a BattleTech mech.

I replaced the previous large grenade launcher from the current Dream Pod 9 range with an original large grenade launcher from RAFM, as Pearson's supposed to mix it up more than Keith.

I'm still vacillating over how to add a mortar to Pearson's suit or not?

Here's Keith's fully finished suit.

You can see I've rounded off the the previously exposed magnets that allow the arms to pivot. And you can see the small machine gun mounted on the left arm, and compare the size of the grenade launcher to the one on Pearson's suit.

I also added some details to the back. Spare wheels and camo netting. So that's it for another week. You all stay safe during the crisis, catch you on the bounce.

* Mostly, as in before I revised the stowage and magnetized the joints.


  1. Excellent work! They look really good.

    1. Oh... thank you. Took a lot of fettling, but the next one is going to be a real pig as the casting is pretty poor.

  2. That looks pretty damned impressive and well worth the effort!

    1. Cheers, it was a bit of a slog, but I really enjoy fettling models.

  3. Love the mobility! I'd let that do construction at my place any day. :)

    1. Be right over, in about 60 years or so... ;-)

  4. Wow, great work there ! :) Inspiring stuff :)

  5. Stunning conversions and a very clever use of components, stunning work!

    1. Couldn't have done it without your generous gift. Thank you.
