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Tuesday 5 March 2019

Longbow Making Course

Pip Bickerstaffe master bowyer.

We went away at the weekend to sunny Birkenhead, well the sun came out in the daytime, but mostly it was wet and windy. Not that this mattered much as we were indoors learning how to make a longbow.

Demonstration of how to shape the stave.

One might consider this course to be one-to-one scale wargaming, if making historical weapons of war to shoot arrows with is your thing.

There were three other people on the bow making course course with me and Susan. It wasn't all work, we had lunch too.

Ben Lamb, Susan, and Karen.

To be clear, when I say make, I mean Pip Bickerstaffe prepared staves for us to shape. He was helped by Ben Lamb who will be taking over the business when Pip retires. They both worked hard to help us make the best bow we could.

Pip demonstrating how to apply the leather grip; Rob, Karen, and Susan watch closely.

On the Sunday, after we'd finished making our bows, there was some coaching on how to draw them and loose arrows at targets. Pip is very much of the school that shooting a longbow is learning a martial art.

We both came away with lovely longbows, which due to the preparation by Pip and Ben look as good as anything one might buy. Now all we have to do is go shooting.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend a weekend. It's a couple of years since I last shot, but finding the time these days is hard. Must try and get back into it if at all possible.

  2. That sounds like a great workshop, it's always fascinating to see how something comes together from just the basic materials.

    1. It was, and Pip travels over to the continent to run courses, so if you're interested then it might be an option worth pursuing.

  3. So will you be roaming the English countryside robbing from the rich and giving to the poor or crossing the channel to conquer those pesky French? :)
