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Tuesday 19 February 2019

Birthday Acquisitions


The X-Wing meme of – Mistakes Were Made – seems almost applicable here, except that this was no unforeseen splurge, but rather a birthday acquisition. The U-wing is a very pretty craft from Rogue One that I think has all the attributes that made the X-wing so iconic.

Ghost of course, is from the cartoon series Rebels, which like The Clone Wars has added more to story than some of the prequel and sequel films in the Star Wars franchise.

Either way, I like the ships and I'm looking forward to playing a game of X-Wing at some point with these two models, and trying out some of the special rules that go with them.


  1. Very nice, got a game in myself recently!

    1. Its one of those games that takes very little effort to get others to play a game with one. And it's fun.

  2. Supermegabuncha Happy Birthday Wishes to You!!

    1. Cheers. Still recovering from all the excitement.

  3. I came across an unlabeled Hot Wheels model of that Ghost recently. I've never seen Rebels, and it's a rather unassuming looking ship, and yet - and yet - you can instantly tell it's Star Wars. Remarkable that such a thing is possible! My hat is off to whoever designed it.

    & I agree of course about the U-Wing, too. I hope your day is as lovely as the ship.

    1. Well worth watching Rebels, assuming one doesn't have a dislike for animated stories.

    2. I'll add it to my list. Cheers.

  4. There is never enough star wars stuff to be had. Happy Birthday

  5. Nice haul! The U wing was actually the last ship I got for the game and my favorite new design from the Disney era movies. I like the new X-wing too but obviously that's a revision of a classic and not new.

    1. I've been tempted to get one of the new X-wing models for the play value, but fear that it will lead me down the road to wanting to upgrade to v2.0 of the rules, which I'm disincline to do.

      I don't play enough games to make that worthwhile, and I'd rather be spending my money on models of giant stompy robots.

    2. Same here. I was tempted but the cost of buying a new starter plus one or two faction packs when in all likelihood they'll just sit there convinced me otherwise. If I ever start playing again then maybe I'll buy the rebel faction box and just mooch off my opponent for the rest (with their permission of course!) to see if I like the changes enough. The game just got too Pokemon for me a few years in with the "gotta buy'em all!" releases with just have upgrades for existing ships in unrelated or repaint products.

      On the previous U wing topic, buying that had me for the first time in many, many years flying around the living room making swoosh noises on Christmas Day with my new model. :)

    3. We play Star Wars music when playing games too. Everything just feels more awesome with the Imperial March on in the background.

  6. A bit late but: 'Happy birthday'!
    These are fantastic gifts, enjoy :).
