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Tuesday 8 January 2019

Three Ape Suits WIP

Some progress to report in painting the Army Special Forces combat armour. I've managed to slap some paint on the three models I've made. All part and parcel of getting my painting mojo back, which goes hand-in-hand with my working on my writing.

My cunning plan is to get the two new models finished at the same time as I finish Espera's Ape suit, which I started some time ago. It helps motivate me to get half the Alpha detachment done together.


  1. I like those a lot, would work well with my 15mm shenanigans!

  2. Nicely done. How many total does that make in that scale?

    1. I have ten on the paint bench plus the two I've already finished, and not counting the eight Fattys (Utopian suits).
