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Tuesday 1 January 2019

Newten Town WIP: Texture & Paint

After applying the filler and letting it dry overnight, which I showed in the previous post,  I then applied ground foam to the ground using diluted PVA glue, and again had to let everything dry out overnight.

Next I painted the roads with very dilute black, effectively a wash, and then I used a combination of dark earth, chestnut brown, and dark chocolate to paint the ground. Each was again diluted about 50:50 with water, and then I took these pictures before putting the boards away again to dry overnight.

My plan now is to block in the colours for the buildings.

So, with my first post of the year, let me finish by wishing everyone of my readers a prosperous new year.   


  1. They are coming along very nicely!

  2. That's nice work Ashley, Happy New Year!

  3. Better and better! All the best to you and yours for 2019!

  4. Cheers guys. I'm enjoying working on these.

  5. Excellent! When will we see the first Bad Dog battle report played on them? :)

    1. I love your optimism. I will say I'm painting up more Dogs and Apes.

  6. I'm excited to see this finished.
