Reference Pages

Saturday 25 March 2017

RAFM Mammoth Strider Size Comparison


I'll admit that I've been searching the internet for RAFM Heavy Gear miniatures.  What can I say, wargaming and making models is my hobby.  I found a Mammoth Strider for sale on eBay that had a very small pictures and an incomplete description.

Questioning the retailer produced no useful data, but after checking out the picture and discussing it with friends, yay for friends, I decided that on the balance of evidence it was likely to be an old RAFM Mammoth.  So I took a punt, despite it costing the same as the new smaller version from Dream Pod 9.

It arrived today and the photograph is proof that this thing is humongous, and it weighs one pound 12 ounces, or 795 grams for those more familiar with metric measurements.  It's missing one of the small rotary cannons and the footpad, both of which I'll fabricate replacements for in due course.  First things first, strip the paint off in a nice bath of Nitromors.


  1. Wow.. you really have been on the warpath for RAFM models! Congrats on another find.

    1. Got to catch them all.

      Still want a Kodiak and then my Northern Guard force is complete.

      Southern Milicia less so, but I think I have enough to be getting on with.

  2. Woah, what a monster!
    That's a great find.

    1. It was, even if it cost a lot the fact I could find one at all was lucky.

  3. Currently said Mammoth is being stripped of paint, which is also disassembling it into its component parts.
