Reference Pages

Thursday 23 March 2017

RAFM Jaguar

 And here is the final model for my first squad of RAFM model for my Heavy Gear project.

As you can see this is the first Gear I've gone off piste by converting the medium autocannon using a contemporary Dream Pod 9 very light field gun as the basis of my conversion.  I hadn't imagined I would do any conversions on these old models, but the weapon on the Jaguar, when compared to the light autocannons on the Hunters, just didn't look beefy enough to justify being called a medium autocannon.

What the original medium autocannon looks like.

This is probably my inner wargamer coming out; bigger is better and that kind of thing.  Please feel free to criticize and throw brick-bats or praise.

Still, I don't think I went overboard with the conversion and I've incorporated parts from the original casting into my piece. This is now going off to the paint shop to be primed with the other two Hunters ready to be painted to match the Hunter Commando.

Happy days.

NBYesterday a mad man killed people in London before being killed himself by the Police. By the time I heard about the event, it was all over.  It's sad, but it's not the end of the world, even though a handful of people lost their lives. The biggest enemy is the generation of fear, because when people are fearful their cognitive abilities are reduced by the overwhelming emotion. Oh, and just in case you think I'm being cool and rational because I wasn't there, I work for the hospital on the other side of the river from the House.


  1. That was a bit weedy looking.

    Fear is the enemy.

    1. Glad it wasn't just me who thought so, though I imagine Sitzkrieg will chime in at some point and say I told you so.

  2. I think the original gun looks a little lame. The casting is not so great. The conversion looks much better.

    1. Cheers for saying so. Most appreciated, I thought I might be being too precious about their historical value; value being nebulous at the best of times.

  3. I agree that the new converted gun looks so much better.


  4. The autocannon definitely looks beefier now. Did you drill out the rocket pods? They look nice and are an even bigger improvement.

    1. Yea I did. I always drill out holes that are meant to be round because centrifugal casting means that they're invariably not.

  5. What a wonderful miniature he has become. The converted gun and drilled out bits are making him look even taller and more realistic.

    1. Thank you for saying so. These old casting have needed a fair bit of clean-up, but they do look good at the end.

  6. It's actually fun to see they're all in metal. Miniatures from this size (especially the Mammoth) would most likely be cast in resin these days. But somehow I prefer the metal ones because of the weight.
