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Thursday 22 December 2016

Xmas Comes Early: Extra-Read All About it!

Went shopping today for the usual food stuff and found a card from the Post Office that they were holding a parcel of mine with a ransom to be paid before I could have my stuff: some 15mm figures from Clear Horizon.  I was so excited I just had to rush out to go collect them.

Now all I've got to do is find the time to start working on them, but first I must have a bath (I know I'm such a tease).  More pictures to come in due course.  Still, if you look closely you can see my progress on the plastic Ammon mount I'm making up.

Edit: Breaking News

Out of my bath and I've started assembling them.

Did I mention I was a wee bit excited by these?


  1. I love this type of surprises in the mail... although recently I only receive letters from the tax office, not exactly love letters

    1. The customs and post office handling charge were not what I'd call sweet nothings.

    2. Congrats on the new figs just in time for the holidays. It sounds like the Royal Mail is alot stricter on customs duties; I don't think I've ever had to pay customs in the US on under $100 shipments (I don't personally buy more than that overseas) even with proper labelling.

    3. It's all a bit random: sometime I get charged, other times the parcel comes through without being charged. It was a bit of a shock to the purse though.

  2. Replies
    1. I think so. But it's great to have someone else think so too.

      Give it a couple of days and I shall have these bad boys assembled.

  3. Awesome! I hope you enjoy them!

    1. One squad of 13 cleaned up and stuck on their bases. Definitely having me some fun.

  4. Replies
    1. All your fault too. If it wasn't for your comments on using 15mm figures with Gears I wouldn't be doing this today. So thank you, because its inspiration of others that drives me to achieve more.

  5. It is great to get an early gift, and to see you have priorities

    1. A treat I bought for myself because, well, just because really.
