Reference Pages

Saturday 24 December 2016

Xmas 2016

Let me wish all my readers a very merry bah humbug, because it's that time of the year when people eat, drink and open presents time.  I have no pithy observations about life, happiness or anything else that you all haven't read before, but here's to painting toy soldiers and playing games.  May you forever roll high.


  1. Merry Xmas to you and your partner:)

  2. My partner wants me to add this...

    The tree decoration this year is inspired by the 1728 entry in Ephraim Chamber's Cyclopædia: or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; for the word INTERSTELLA.

    “Interstellar, is a word used by some authors to express those parts of the universe that are without and beyond our Solar system; in which are supposed to be several other systems of planets moving around the fixed stars as the centers of their respective motions: and if it be true, as it is not improbable, that each fixed star is thus a sun to some habitable orbs, that move round it, the interstellar world will be infinitely the greater part of the universe.”

    There are a number of stars at the top, some with planets nearby. The tree itself represents the ever finer branching of all aspects of life. The birds in the lower branches are stand-ins for the different forms of life one might suppose to inhabit some of the orbs. The lights represent the heavenly arch of the firmament, where now we know that many of the stars are actually galaxies in their own right.

    Most of these tree decorations I have used this year come from my grandparents and could be old enough to be Edwardian. The lametta is modern (doesn't hang as well as the proper lead stuff), as are the led lights. Our artificial tree is from Tesco, bought 19 years ago for our first Christmas together.

    The presents underneath are... well, presents! And "The Kittens", despite being plush toys, have somehow inveigled themselves into the top branches; no doubt waiting for a suitable opportunity to pounce once there is a rustling of paper this morning.

    1. Can't go wrong with a good unexpected pounce.

      Happy Christmas!

    2. No you can't. Kittens now back in the bedroom, tired out after all the pouncing.

  3. Merry Christmas Ashley - I hope 2017 will be good to you!

  4. A bit belated but Merry Christmas to you too! Also, I misread the last part of the first line as "I have no pity" on my phone and instantly switched to a Conan the Barbarian voice reading the rest fully expecting you to drive your opponents before you and hear the lamentations of their figurines. :)

  5. Best wishes (late I know!) - here's to paint and good photography in 2017.

    1. Cheers my dear (a Cornish expression just in case your puzzled by my dear).
