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Saturday 27 September 2014

Blast-Tastic Next Week

Well hasn't time flown by, next week it's Blast-Tastic and I shall be taking all my Ogre stuff along to show people.  That means the Big Box of Ogre, and my miniatures you've seen me paint here on my blog.

So here are a few more shots of the last Dragonmeet to remind all of my readers what you will be seeing, or missing as the case may be.  Don't worry if you can't get to Bristol, though you shall be missed, as I will be posting a Blast-Tastic AAR for you edification and delight in due course.

Come and see me point my finger at the crucial moment just before the dice hit the table.

Come and play a game and see if you can stop the Ogre.  Actually, a total fabrication in this case, because I'm running the scenario Ceasefire Collapse, which means while there can be Ogres with the need to crush command posts, the scenario has a few twists; mobile command posts being one.


  1. Nice! I found my uncut GEV game from back in the day. Need to dust it off. :)
