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Wednesday 20 August 2014

19th August: Blog'ish 5th Birthday Huzzah

Another year, and only one day late in marking another milestone, or should that be millstone for this blog?  You can blame LonCon 3, as I was at the 72nd World SF convention all weekend schmoozing with friends and fellow writers, promoting myself by being on panels.  I'm paying the price now as I fight off a chest infection.  Oh noes, gurgles as alien bursts out of my chest, kind of thing.  You can read all about the great time I had over on my other blog, here.

OK this post celebrates five years of me writing this blog.  Over the past year I seem to have been totally focused on Ogre, which given that my intent was to be a BattleTech blog is rather ironic, doubly so since I was seduced into playing Heavy Gear.  But a they say That's Life.

I also succumbed to Hawk Wargames who offered me a discount at LonCon 3 and bought a box of their new Resistance starter army.  What can I say?  Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.  They were also very nice to me and made flattering comments about my recent Ogre article too.  Top guys.  It was therefore heartening to hear at the end of WorldCon that they had done good, and that it had been worth their while to attend.  Awesome I say.

Oh yeah, forgot to add this, so late addition.  This was the promo for LonCon 3, exciting or what?

So thank you one and all for taking the time to read my blog, and leaving comments.  Remember I live for the comments, as they are what makes blogging fun; talking to friends about the hobby.  So here's to another year.


  1. Happy blogday! Interested, as and when, in your thoughts on DZC, which I haven't looked at at all; I still think of games as being rules-first rather than minis-first, which considering what's happened to BattleTech since I stopped playing the first time is kind of silly.

    1. I see DZC as being miniatures led, and no worse for that as I like miniatures, and I would guess miniatures is where they make their money.

    2. Oh, sure; those wargames makers who I've heard talk about it pretty much all seem to regard the rules as a loss-leader for the figures. The fact that I tend to see a minis-led game and think "this is going to be expensive, I'll play something else instead" is my problem, and I'm not even consistent with that (cough cough x-wing cough).

    3. Ah yes X-Wing, promised myself I wouldn't and had a little accident that resulted in me acquiring a Rebel Blockade Runner. Now I will have to go and get the basic game too.

    4. I can offer you a deal on a basic set, as of next week.

  2. 1st: Happy Birthday to you and your blog!
    2nd:Damn and blast you, Ashley! I was doing so well, I have looked at DZC and been able to walk away because I did not really like the look of the factions that much. Then you have to come and show me a new faction with incredibly cool models. This could get ugly come Christmas time...

    1. I feel your pain. Still job done, because sharing always helps, right? ;-)

    2. Sharing is caring and a burden shared is a burden halved...but an apple pie shared is half an apple pie. Eh, I don't know where that went.
      I had a closer look the Resistance stuff and I think I'm hooked. Darn!

  3. Congrats to you and your blog, Ashley. It's a lot harder work than most realize.
    I will admit to being very jealous of your attendance to LonCon3.
    the DZC stuff is very nice, but it is not size compatible for Battletech...mostly.
    I'm thinking of grabbing some of those infantry.
    Have a great one!

    -Steve Ronin,

  4. Terrific video for Loncon, but I have no fear ... London can take it!
    Many happy returns on your blog's anniversary, Ashley. Well done.
    Hope you feel well soon.

  5. Happy Blogday!
    A well deserved milestone indeed :-)

  6. Happy (belated) Blogday. Even if I don't comment that much, I sure always do enjoy reading the entries. :-)

    1. Thank you. No pressure to leave comments, but they are always appreciated.

  7. Happy belated blog bday! Good to hear that you're trying out DZC. I've been curious about it ever since I picked up their terrain set and it seems like the company is making allbthe right decisions. There are lots of minis that I like but theyre scattered about different factions which is why I haven't taken the plunge yet. If I ever do, it'll likely be UCM or PHR.

    1. For me, DZC miniatures are a larder to be plundered and used for any game I need good looking SF models for.
