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Sunday, 10 November 2024

Russian Quad Mechs WIP

It has been a moment too long since I last posted any what's on my workbench. What can I say? I've been distracted by real life. It is what it is.

So, as slow as I am, I've managed to work out what was niggling me about the scheme I'd used on my Russian combat walkers aka Pokhodnaya Boyevaya Platforma. And above is where I'm at, below is where I was.

Obviously, duh, this is me we're talking about, they're not finished. But, proof of life. Given the adverts I've been seeing on YouTube, the algorithm seems to suggest otherwise.

Catch you all on the bounce.


  1. These are coming up a treat! A few decals once done really gives my models that finished military vibe - having some success with decal sets for Gundam kits

    1. I'm just tweaking the last few details this week before I varnish them ready for decals. Of course, what I would like is a bunch of Russian decals, what I have is anything but.
