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Friday 29 March 2024

New Dremel

My beloved decided she would buy me a new Dremel to replace the old one I broke one, which had delivered sterling service for nearly 25 years, before I busted it.

The old one was 125 watts, my new one is 175 watts. So it has a lot more oomph.

We also got a new hot glue gun because working on the trees has led me to the conclusion that sticking seafoam to Woodland Scenics armatures is tricky.

I tried E6000 plus, but it takes too long to set and the seafoam sags. I also got some spray contact adhesive to try, but it's way too messy for the confined area I have to work in.

So, hot glue it is.

Again, I'm doing fiddly small stuff so need to be able to control the flow, and my old glue gun was anything but easily controllable.


  1. Nice pressies. If you have a regular dentist, ask them to set aside any worn out burrs for you. Great in a rotary tool for very fine work.

    1. Unfortunately, going to my dentist used to be a regular occurrence, the cost for a visit seems to me to be out of proportion for a six month check-up, so I only go as and when I think I need to. My dentist therefore wants to charge me as a private customer and we are at an impasse.

  2. Congrats on the new tool! I'd say for a modern piece of equipment that 25 years is a good and proper period of utility.

    1. I agree, but I over stretched my tool, which broke it, and I should know better than that. A good worker takes care of their tools, and I didn't take enough care.

      Enough beating myself up about it.

      How are you? Long time since I've seen any posts on your blog. Still playing HG?

    2. Yeah, it's been a while and honestly I don't know when I'll update it next. I've toyed around with some hobby ideas (mainly some fantasy RPG notes) and some converted fantasy minis but nothing really noteworthy. I've honestly stopped even peripherally following HG beyond reading news others post. At least I finally got access to posting comments under my official account on your blog! Little victories...

    3. Little victories lead to bigger ones. Things generally get better, given enough time.
