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Tuesday 20 February 2024

An Interlude: Trees

Here's where I am so far with painting the palm trees and the oasis bases from Charlie Foxtrot. This small little project that was just meant to be a quickie has turned into a monster made of trees.

As I said I have a whole bunch of trees, so many trees to finish working on. First up, evergreen pine trees.

Followed by deciduous trees of various sizes. All built from Woodland Scenics sprues I assembled many years ago that have sat in a box languishing ever since.

So many trees that need finishing. Above small and medium trees. Below large trees.

Hear the lament of the tree maker for she has bitten off more than she thought.

Catch you all on the bounce (probably while crashing into some trees on landing).


  1. It is part of the wargamer's creed that you can never have to many trees.

    1. Ain't that the truth. So many trees. I think they're breeding behind my back.

    2. My mate Stuart (The Postie, of Posties Rejects infamy) has thousands of trees and always seems to be buying more at every show he attends. He can cover a 6x14' table in greenery...and still it's not enough!!

    3. I'm just going to say wow, wow, wow...– wow.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, given the amount of work I've put into them, I would hope so. I only started this side project because it looked easy...

  3. Looks nice. I will use this as an inspiration for future projects.

    1. Glad to be of use. We all need a little motivation at times.
