Reference Pages

Sunday 24 December 2023

Seasonal Salutations 2023

Or Happy Hols, Merry Xmas, and any other alternative greeting that is appropriate. I'm ecumenical about celebrating at this time of the year.

Another picture taken by my beloved of our tree. She is the light of my life. So from us both, have a lovely day and catch y'all on the bounce.


  1. Merry Christmas to you both as well! I saw your post and didn't realize that your long and storied publishing career extended back that far! :)

    1. Time flies when you're having fun! My career (if it can be called that) goes back to the 1980s, as a freelance writer for wargame magazines, and fiction even. It is what it is.

      Failure to achieve the recognition I would like is not failure per se, because failure is the only way to learn. Hopefully, I will be able to learn how to be more successful in the future.

      But, if not, it doesn't matter as long as I'm having fun. I should probably say, never give up, never surrender! ;-)

    2. And I could provide some nifty tech suggestions. ;-)

      Noisy anon.

    3. Unless you've read my novels and understand the setting, and what I'm exploring I'd suggest you would be better off using your ideas to create your own setting and rules for tabletop wargames.

    4. Its better as it is. As we have had discussed it before... If I'd read it, I could start criticize it.

      And given that my relentless frankness... it could be bloody :-)))))))))))))

      So... better not to overstep, what do you think?

    5. You have free will, or at least a choice between do or do not read. Not up to me.

    6. Here. I double-checked it, if it exist in English realm.

      ""While being smart is about knowledge and intelligence, being wise is about understanding and practical application of that knowledge in a meaningful way.""

      Which means -- what good is in trying something, that predictably will be destined to end bad? Is it wise?

  2. Very Merry Christmas to you ladies!
    May 2024 bring you both happiness, health and cheer :-)

    1. And to you too. May you have calm waters and clear skies ahead.

  3. Merry Christmas to you both.

    Here's hoping for some grown-ups in Downing Street in 2024 and a bit of common sense in the Middle East. I'm not holding my breath. Failing that, all power to your paints and brushes in the New Year.

    Regards, Chris,

    1. Likewise on all counts. Though I suspect we may be unrealistic optimists.

      And for the hobby, success to your adventures with hexes.
