Reference Pages

Saturday 10 June 2023

WIP: Still Rebuilding and Magnetizing

Back here I started work on magnetizing models with ball joints. The extra flexibility for poses and alternative weapon loadouts from magnetizing is very alluring for someone like me. 

It allows me to have lots variations with only a handful of models.

Useful when one is converting long out of production miniatures, like the old Heavy Gear models from RAFM. But, it can be quite time consuming too. As is the case when the rotation magnets for the ball joints on my large Buster conversion turned out too wimpy to hold the arms firmly enough.

So, I ended up ordering some medium sized X-Wing rotation magnets from Green Stuff World. Hence the lack of progress while waiting for the items to arrive.

Then when they arrive one has to remove the old small magnets, and then re-drill larger holes for the new magnets etc., etc. It's a thing. A process that involved a lot of cursing.

Now moving forward. Catch you all on the bounce.


  1. Magnetic ball joints are the future! Sadly, not available on the NHS yet.

    Regards, Chris

    1. Yeah... Okay, stepping away from a contentious comment! :-)

  2. Hi Ashley
    I'm trying to start a blog of my own and am stuck on a technical point.
    When I click on your image above it sends me to a larger version of it.
    Could I trouble you to explain how to do it, or point me to somewhere where it is explained?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Go to 'Settings' and scroll down to 'Posts' and slide the 'image lightbox' tab to the left, which will disable it. When you create a post and add an image, you can choose the size that will appear on screen.

      I now make sure that my posts can be read on a phone, and size accordingly using preview. This means that when the image is clicked on, the reader will be taken to the larger uploaded image.

      Hope that helps? Contact me by the blogger form is you need any more info.
