Reference Pages

Thursday 27 April 2023

A Quick History of Wargames

Found this on YouTube, as one does, and enjoyed it enough to share it with you all here.

It also serves as a reminder of the need to get my finger out, and finish the unfinished rules sitting on my computer. Add to this the need to move the current conversions on my workbench, I need them for play-testing.

I know, I know, I could bathtub using other miniatures but, for me, miniature gaming is all about the toys.

Something about having a model of the actual person or vehicle to play with just clicks for me. I become immersed in the fate of the model. That of course is just how I play. Other ways or playing are perfectly good.


  1. Absolutely! All about the toys.

  2. “I become immersed in the fate of the model” - absolutely! Painting them, detailing the faces, you bond with each character that you have made, named and created scenarios for them, you become as immersed in their fate as any characters in a film or novel.
    I have posted a little about H G Wells and the social background / early days of Little Wars, Floor Games, E. Nesbit

    1. Thank you for the link to your blog. Really enjoyed the articles I read while there. Keep up the good work.
