Reference Pages

Monday 27 March 2023

OMWB: CAS-3-Mod-1 Kneeling Conversion Progress

While drilling out the above, to add magnets, I had an oopsie moment. The drill bit in my Dremel bit into the metal resulting in a RUD event (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly), which will teach me, I guess? 

The pieces flew every which way.

As you can see, I glued the magnet in the center bottom section, mostly because it was something to do in between hunting wide and low for the parts that flew off at a rate of knots.

Eventually I found the other missing parts. Rather than reassembling everything back together I thought it would be easier to repair, and then reassemble.

So, I fixed the left leg to the base, and the right to a piece of wood to make it easier to handle. Then I started re-sculpting the damaged castings. I have a lot of work left to do.

And, now I've run out of magnets, doh! 

It never rains but it pours. My stupid fault, I miscounted the ones I had because I didn't check the sizes. I have a selection of heights and widths (3x5mm, 4x4mm, and 4x7mm), and mistook the 3x5s for 4x7s for some insane reason.

That's all for now. Catch you all on the bounce.

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