Reference Pages

Thursday 16 February 2023

OMWB: CASE-2X Mod-1 Kneeling Conversion


Above is the start of my next radical conversion, which is using a Desert Sharks Hunter as the reference to make a kneeling version of a RAFM Jager. First step was to cut apart a standing Jager.

 I have a few spare old RAFM Heavy Gear random parts that I scooped up as job lots of mismatched models.

After a lot of sawing, some drilling, filing, and a casting of Hunter foot I started assembling the parts for a kneeling CASE-2X Dog. 

Oh yeah, I had to carve out the other leg, which a bit of a faff. My wrists hurt after doing it. The other original foot wasn't such a chore, and now I'm ready to bring all the parts together.

Two views to show what I have to sculpt to complete the conversion.

That's a lot of volume that needs filling with Milliput to make the model whole again. That knee joint is alone is going to take some careful sculpting.

And I also found that the assembly wasn't as rigid as I would like it to be. Therefore I added a reinforcing bar, which I would have to do before basing the model. So no big deal.

That's all for now. More work to follow.

Catch you all the bounce.


  1. Looks like a lot of work, but should be worth it!

    Regards, Chris.

    1. If fills the need to wargame, by replacing it with model-making, in the vain hope that the future is bright, and full of wargaming opportunities.

  2. Some real world armors + made of steel people riding em.
    With hope that you'd like it.

    From noisy anon ;-)
