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Saturday 31 December 2022

Happy New Year - 2023

Decals to do, but otherwise done.

And here we are. The end of another year. And here I am slipping in the last painted miniatures of 2022.

It has been a quiet year on the blog, for reasons. Those being the need to get my arse in gear and back to writing, which has not gone as well as I would like. Add to that ongoing health issues and here we are.

But, making and painting models have been good for my general well-being. So no grumbles.

I don't make resolutions as such, though I have some goals for next year. Namely get a working draft of Big Little Wars written. The current one is a mess, bloated, over written, and not working as it should to be a set of understandable rules.

That comes from having large aspirations to be the best rules I could write. Failure to deliver said rules being its own critique. But, I can learn from that, and remain hopeful I can pull the rules together.

After all, how hard can it be? Hard, but not impossible.

So, Happy New Year to one and all. Let's hope 2023 is better than the last three years.


  1. Happy New Year. All the best with the writing. I hope you find plenty of time to construct and paint the miniatures. All your readers have to do is drop by and see what's newly posted.

    1. Thank you for the good wishes. Glad you enjoy my meager offerings. I've gotten so slow (rheumatoid arthritis medication is great, but wearing), it's hard to see progress.

  2. Merry belated Christmas and happy New Year! I definitely agree with the sentiments regarding 2023.

    1. No problem; always better late than never. Can't guarantee that 2023 will be smooth sailing, what with inflation and Ukraine etc.

  3. Good noises for you in this year too.

    That noisy anon. ;-)
