Reference Pages

Friday 19 August 2022

Blog Anniversay

Little did I know in 2009 when I published my first blog post that  I would still be creating posts in 2022. But here we are. I had intended to show some progress with making trees for my jungle, but it was not meant to be.

So instead, some work in progress (or lack of progress) shots of of what I'm currently painting.

Still, thirteen years of blogging is a thing. My blog is now a teenager, so that explains the erratic posts as articles hide away sulking until pictures look right.

Catch you all on the bounce.


  1. Well, happy birthday to your blog!
    I have two sulky teenagers at home and they think everything (apart from things in screens) is boring. Still, I hope to see some good old analogue craftsmanship and painting here đŸ™‚.

    1. Thank you. Screen time is definitely a thing, even for old farts like me...

      The siren call of YouTube is especially alluring.

      Still, one thing you be assured of is that this blog is all about making, painting, and on occasion playing games.

  2. Happy blogoversary.



    1. Cheers Pete, I usually miss these anniversaries, but 13 is as I said, old enough to be a teenager.

  3. Replies
    1. And thank you Alastair. Glad you enjoy my humble fumblings here.

  4. Hot Summer; boys in shorts. Understandably, your blog is excused, Ashley! :-)

    Regards, Chris.

  5. Hi, from you know who.:-)

    You have said "But I can claim to trying a different take on the trope." you know where.

    Well, you can have in me most faithfull provider of most grim facts and trivias about realities of RFia, as well as techy and other insights. If you'd like. :-)

    1. Probably not at this point in time as I'm struggling withe over whelming ennui that comes from living under rulers too stupid to know how stupid they are.

    2. You have my empaty there, sister.
      At least... your rulers do not think that they can fight a war. I hope they don't.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul. Hope you are well? Take care.
