Reference Pages

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Two Steps Forward; One Step Back


A picture of three mecha I'm currently working on. Still some work to get the middle mech drilled out for the magnets, before adding the backpack and weapons. 

Other stuff in progress is the continuing upgrades I'm working on. Here's the roll cage.

And I couldn't resist rebuilding the arm joints on my command suit, which of course meant I had to retrofit ball joints on the work mech too. Hence the title of the post.

There's still a lot of filling and sculpting and building brackets to to do.

This is the way.


  1. Wow. That's pretty great. I don't know how you do it.

    1. Been making things since I was a child. Once had ambitions to become a professional model maker,

      Besides, I've made jewelry too (not bead assembly but sculpting wax for casting), and my arts training in sculpting and pottery. All together it adds up.

  2. Outstanding work! Is the roll cage a casting or is it made up from wire?

    1. Made up from wire. I had to discard several attempts as it was a bit tricky to fold and match bits and assmble them together into a rigid cage.

      Top tip for scratch building; be prepared to make a part and throw it away as the first one will usually not be good enough.

  3. What is dimensions of those minis. I know they're 1:87 but what is their height in milimeters?

    1. The original models were sold as 1/87th, but I use them as 1/100th – 15mm wargame models. The height to the top of the head is 43mm or for my metric impaired readers: 1 and 22/32ths of an inch. Add 2mm for base, so 45mm or approx 1 and 3/4qtrs of an inch

      I have a whole bunch of size comparison shots if you want to know more hre:

  4. Very similar to the mecha on the front page of your first novel 'Bad Dog'.

    1. Well spotted. It's because I sent pictures of my previous conversions to the cover artist as reference for the art:

  5. HSE is happier now that roll bars are in place :-)

    Regards, Chris.

    1. Yeah... Still had to fill in all the paperwork to register compliance though... ;-)
