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Wednesday 17 November 2021

The Jungle: The Mighty Jungle

As you can see, I received a very generous package of jungle terrain arrived from my dear friend Tamsin; a wargame sister of battle whose blog can be found here, or in my blog list in the left column of this page.

She had been building some mighty fine jungle terrain on her blog a while back, and impressed, I commented on her work. To my surprise and delight, Tamsin then offered me the surplus trees as a gift, which I was truly flattered to be offered, and grateful to receive.

The box of trees arrive yesterday.

I took a quick photo, but I was too busy until today to post it. Sorry for not emailing you immediately Tamsin, but I was busy, more like lost in writing my Big Little Wars rules, managing to add a mammoth 2,069 words to the project. Not yet finished, but closer to reaching that goal.

I see a jungle, a mighty jungle in my future. Thank you again Tamsin.

To all my readers, stay safe. Catch you all on the bounce.


  1. Glad to hear you've received the pressie! It only took me 4 months to get it posted...

    1. Really, four months. I'd say time flies, but to be honest it doesn't matter. The jungle is here now, and it's now a project I need to get around to.

      Need to give some thought to basing options, as your posts gave had a lot of great ideas that I'm going to steal .

  2. Great acquisition!
    She's a good gal that Wargaming Girl! :-)

    1. Isn't she just. I've been scouring her jungle terrain posts for hints and tips.

  3. Yes the jungle terrain is nice - we did some for our Pacific game Its all about washes on the plastic! I re did mine twice after seeing our pics on the blog. But i do like a clear base for trees ...or magnets underneath the mat! We did try both out on the test game.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up. Most appreciated.
