Reference Pages

Sunday 10 October 2021

Proof of Life

Work in progress of the two Ape suits, glossed and ready to have decals applied in due course. Next to a Dog with decals and matt varnished for comparison.

I may be some time.

And after much faffing, a quick touch up of the paint that turned into the nightmare of effectively becoming a repaint, I've finally varnished my 15mm insurgents.

And in breaking news, I sat down with Jay Arnold of The Veteran Podcast to talk about all thing giant stompy robot. I'll post links as and when he puts the podcast up.


  1. Nice colour contrast between the webbing and uniforms, Ashley.

    Regards, Chris.

    1. Cheers, thanks for saying so.

      My idea was differential camo, dark top and light trousers, with cheap green army surplus webbing, would be the go to for outfitting a Third world force.

      A mix of berets, forage caps and Shemaghs to taste for that authentic guerilla force look.

  2. Loving the models in the top pic. Are they RAFM conversions?

    1. They are, and yesterday I applied decals and last night matt varnished them. They are now ready for their portraits.

  3. Looking great (as always) Ashley!

    I love the RAFM gear range, but only have the one myself - must get some more one day to keep him company :-)

    1. I have a few spares (for definitions of spare that are flexible), that could find there way to you, depending on confounding variables (what I have spare may not be what you want or need).

    2. Thanks Ashley, that sounds great!
      I'll drop you a message on Twitter.
