Reference Pages

Tuesday 6 April 2021

CAS-3-Mod-1 Ape Rebuild

Still need to tidy up the mounting bracket for the missile pod.

And the rebuild of Espera's combat armor is almost done. I just need to tidy up the missile pod bracket that unfortunately I mucked up when sculpting it. Should get that done by end of the today.

Pretty pleased with this model, especially since all the weapons are removable, allowing me to change the load out. Cool, huh?

Picture below is a close-up of the parts I used to make the 75mm recoilless autocannon, and how I modeled the rocket pod mounting.

M75 80 mm HV recoilless AC M170-M 70mm LDFM

Below shows the flexible ammo chute I made, which is also detachable for ease of painting, if nothing else. I cut this from a piece of ribbon cable.

M134 GAU-2B/A ammo chute.

And some pictures of painted weapons that link back to the weapons list I posted here.

M240LC 7.62 x 51mm GPMG

Which reminds me I must remember to revise the rules to allow the Dogs to have these built in, but the Apes don't. Along with implications for encumbrance that I thought would be cool for the construction rules.

M26-AC with Mk30 GL

That's all for another week!


  1. Looks Great! I love the ammo belt. :)

    1. Thank you. The idea to make the ammo belt from a piece of cable, sliced crossways was a good choice for this mech.

  2. Damn! Loving that first pic! :)

    1. Cool. I was doubting myself over the leaning forward pose.

  3. Great model, that ammobelt is a fantastic touch.

    1. And it was thanks to your generosity that I could make this model.
