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Sunday 14 March 2021

Mechs and Technicals

I'm almost at the stage, for a generous definition of almost, of wanting to start working on formulating forces for the rules. In a fit of inspirations I realized that asymmetrical combat between first world forces and third world insurgents/freedom fighters could be an option some players might want to have.

Certainly an actual thing in my Gate Walker setting, even if I haven't written any stories specifically about such actions, though the first book does have local Mujahedin assisting the Chinese special forces company attack my heroes. 

Given that thought, and the fact I have a small stash of Peter Pig AK47 15mm miniatures I can make use of them to explore aspects of the rules I hadn't considered. 

These are two Peter Pig Toyota Hilux's that I modified.

The one on the left I lifted and put tyres from a Humvee on to beef it up, and added a Bull bar on the front. The one on the right I made into a heavy version with double wheels/

Both have wheel wells enlarged, gotta keep street legal, to add more character. I also sculpted a wooden floor for the recoilless rifle variant to better hide the figures base.

I've also undercoated some GZG robots for my Marine Corps squad with heavy support, and made up a BigDog from a GZG Quad Transport Walker from Germy's 2mm range, to carry bullets and beans.

I also converted a second GZG Quad Transport Walker, and modified a civilian robot to represent the PetMan BigDog robot exploration team, seen here with a power loader variant of the GZG civilian robot.

For those readers who read my Strike Dog novel, I'm writing a short story about what happened to Romeo Echo Tango Two after they went missing.

And, in addition to all that, my beloved designed and printed up a poseable BigDog miniature. All the joints are articulated.

Okay, that's all folks. Catch you on the bounce.


  1. Interesting! Do you think the indigenous forces might be capable of using a modified quad walker as well?

    1. Do you have a particular mech in mind, or just a four legged walker in general?

    2. Just realized that you must be referring to Susan's walker.

      Uhm... maybe, haven't thought about what that would mean. They're are going to get quadcopter drones though.

  2. An interesting angle to take the game- I like it.



    1. Yeah, totally serendipitous idea that popped into my head while thinking about fielding forces for play-testing the rules.

  3. Wow. The promise of a new short story - that's good.
    I like the idea of the asymmetric option.
    I'm not surprised you're modifying the vehicles and not taking the easy option that these can be used 'straight out of the box'. You sure like complicating stuff but that' what makes your blog interesting and you you.


    1. I've been mulling over what I want to do with the rules, as in what sort of battles I want to simulate? Forex: reinforced squads (patrols) up to a platoon with support options to achieve specific missions (scenarios).

      I then started reading/researching what rules are available, and what the state-of-the-art looks like?

      I mulled over what would the unique selling point of my rules over any of the other rules currently on the market. Because why on Earth would I go to all this trouble when one could just adapt another set of already available rules to play in the Gate Walker universe?

      I mean there's already a number of good set available. Oldies like Stargrunt, or newer games like Tomorrows War, and a reboot of Heavy Gear that looks rather good too.

      Hence these thoughts.

      As for the complicating things, I like to think it's a feature not a bug, but fear it's more likely a failing on my part as it slows me down. ;-)

  4. It's only a slow-down if it prevents you achieving what you want to achieve. If you want to church out a lot of generic stuff to reach a big target - it's a failing. If you want to carefully produce unique figures that reach your ascetic then it's an asset. If of course you want to do both, and I often do, then we need to find a parallel universe.


  5. The promise of another story in the Gatewalker universe sounds great to me. I'm a few nights away from finishing Ghost Dog. It has been the best of the series, and I've really liked them all.

    Great conversion work on the mechs. The end result is worth the time. Plus, I think I do hobby stuff just to keep myself sane. It hardly matters whether I make progress on anything because the resulting sanity from tinkering and creating is the real prize. Finishing anything is just a nice side-effect.

    Andrew C.

    1. Thank you for the great feedback. As the old saying goes, third time's the charm.

      Yesterday I woke with an urge to sort some stuff out and spent the day going through my 15mm Peter Pig figures from my old AK47R project to assemble a third squad and mortar team for my insurgent force.

      One thing led to another as I sat tinkering with bits and pieces. Still felt as if it takes me ten times longer to get stuff done than when I was young, but as you said, it keeps me sane.
