Reference Pages

Monday 25 January 2021

CAS-4CP Buster Done!

Eureka. As the Rod Stewart song goes, It's been a long road, Getting from there to here..."

But now witness the completed combat armor model, fully magnetized and poseable ready to be deployed on the tabletop (imagine this said in Emperor Palpatine's voice). 

And yes, I'm pleased. In case that wasn't obvious.

So when will I get to play with my conversions?

Well, there's still no date because I haven't finished the first draft of the rules. But, progress is being made. I was talking on Zoom with my colleague who has so generously volunteered to help come up with how to design stuff within the Gate Walker – Bad Dog universe that I can say we've taken another step forward.

Obviously, it's easier to talk a good game than deliver a good game. I learnt a lot from writing OHMU War Machine, and what it takes to make or break a game.

I'm committed, now it's just a matter of the time it takes, because I won't publish a set of rules until I know they deliver what they promise. That's all for now.

Catch you all on the bounce.


  1. Nicely done! Not to take away from your well crafted modular model but I never knew that was originally a Rob Stewart song. I only knew it as the oft maligned and controversial intro song to Star Trek Enterprise!

    1. Being a BOF: I knew of the song from when it first went into the charts. Actually, using it on Enterprise made me appreciate it more. So I liked the song, even though it got a lot of flack from the market, but my tastes are all over the place.

  2. That's a lot of effort and a lot of options invested in one model but if you're happy it's a good result. It looks great, I can't imagine how it will play but I guess you'll let us all know when you get to the end of another long road.

    all the best with the project

    1. You are right. More right that a person who is very right.

      However, these models are also used for reference when I commission cover art, so they serve a dual purpose.

      And, as and when the rules are ready to be laid out, I shall have plenty of cool models to illustrate the game.

      A three for one deal, but you're not wrong about the time and effort taken.

  3. Well the perseverance has paid off - looks awesome!

    1. Thank you. This project has become something challenging, in a good way, as I work to make myself achieve goals or do things like magnetization that pushes me to improve my skills.

  4. I rarely look at a model and verbally go "OOoooOOOooOOO" but I did when I opened your blog this time. Damn that is a fantastic piece of work and I commend you!

    1. Thank you. That means a lot to me. It may be hard to reconcile that I don't feel my painting is up too much, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist.
