Reference Pages

Tuesday 5 January 2021

A Retrospective

Magnetized the backpack because previous idea interfered with the head.

Last year, when I posted A Light Ahead, I remarked on how unproductive 2019 had been. Little did I know then what I know now. I only played one game this year due to all the craziness going on in the world.

But every cloud has a silver lining, because, in retrospect I was far more productive this year. I've managed to make more models. I've learnt a bunch of cool painting techniques.

Overall I did more, which has meant I've posted more pieces on the blog.

I'll call that a win.

Most of the blog has been about covering my path to acquiring all the old RAFM Heavy Gear sculpts I could lay my hands on. No doubt, some old Heavy Gear grognards watched in horror as I butchered converted them into proxy mecha for my Gate Walker universe. 

Cue manic laughter.

And I've also acquired a bunch of 1/48th Scopedogs too.I plan to photograph all the models for pictures for the set of mecha rules I'm writing. That's the plan. Whether the plan survives contact with the demands of the year ahead is another matter.

For one thing, it is taking me a lot longer to write the infantry TO&Es to pass onto a collaborator than I thought. Such is life.

Catch y'all later.


  1. FWIW, I've enjoyed following your progress! Congrats and keep it coming. :) And, of course, happy New Year!

  2. Well I'm glad that 2020 had some silver linings for you, and I enjoyed watching your modelling without a single shiver of horror :-)

    I was very happy to find my single old RAFM Gear the other day on the garage. I so much prefer this scale. I think I need to find him some friends... :-)

    I hope 2021 is just as productive for you, and best wishes for your Mecha rules writing!

    1. If you need more RAFM goodness I may have some spare stuff in due course.

      Happy new year.
