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Thursday 10 December 2020

Painter's Painting Progress

I've made progress learning new techniques for painting my miniatures.

I started with four of these bad boys, I have two that are nearly finished; I buggered up the paint on one, and the other I want to rebuild with the torso magnetized too. Sheesh. People might start suspecting I'm a bit of a perfectionist, or something.

Okay, my memory is not perfect, but the time taken to try different techniques, paints, and the setbacks along with the all the learning has definitely been a thing. I should've kept a log of all the hours I spent, but painting is a hobby, not a billable job.

Besides, things have been stressful enough without making my life harder.

Anyway, totally obsessed with learning new tricks to up my painting, and these are going to look awesome with decals and matt varnish to finish them.

However now I'm in a quandary over whether or not to take my original two mechs, and add magnets to allow their torsos to twist too? It would increase their poseability, but may (highly likely) require me to repaint them.

Decisions, decisions.


  1. They look great Ashley.
    I really like the distinctive colours and look

    1. Thank you.

      Out of my comfort zone given that they are not painted in my usual outrageous disruptive dazzle camouflage colours.

  2. They are beautiful. For whatever it is worth, I wouldn't rework them with magnets, the paint is really exceptional, and their poses already give them life.

    1. My apologies for the confusion, these are already magnetized. So I'll not be taking them apart.

  3. I really like the build and pose of the one on the right (a base Black Mamba?). It has a great mix of gribbly bits added to make the model its own thing beyond the original. As for breaking apart, magnetizing, and reposing... I think it's a great idea for when you run out of models but not before. As long as you still have other bits/models/ideas cooking then I'd keep the train rolling instead of turning back to revisit a previous station. YMMV.

    1. I get you. Not doing any more rebuilding with these two. Just thinking about the previous two finished models.

  4. Nice to see you are keeping your hand in with painting. A pity you don't get more games with minis like these! You did a very nice job with these - I, too, am an addict of contrast and colorful schemes for miniatures from every sort of game.

    1. It's about the only game related thing I'm still doing, given the year we're having. No conventions etc.

      Anyway, enough about me. Nice to see you comment. Thank you.
