Reference Pages

Friday 14 August 2020

Taking it to the Next Level: 1

I've moved my next four conversions forward one more step.

This has been a bit of a journey, learning to put techniques together in different ways, and I'm certainly coming up with a different way of getting to the look that I want.

Refining the process so that next time, hopefully, I will be able to get the unpainted model to finished quicker. But, no guarantee, because art is art.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. They're still a work in process, but I feel I have a much better handle on the process to integrate the new techniques I've been practicing.

  2. They're very nice. Nice job!

    1. Thank you, they've been a joy to work on.

  3. Indeed, they look great. I especially like the action pose (2nd from the left).

    1. Yeah, that was my first pose conversion for the RAFM castings, a test bed for future conversions. I have eight more models to assemble and I plan on converting the poses on four of them.

      But first I must finish painting these.

  4. I have to say that I’m really loving these. You are doing a wonderful job on them.

  5. Thank you so much for saying so. There are moments when I think these are such an obscure project that nobody will care.

  6. Lovely job. I have started to write down techniques and colours etc that I have used, so that I can add a bit of continuity to projects as I dip in and out of them.

    1. I might have to start doing that too. Generally I fall back on what do I need to do to make it look more... X? And figure out my way by fumbling around with my process.

      Probably why I don't have many armies.

  7. Really liking these Ashley - the muted pastel look with shading looks great! Gives its real "military but not as you know it" feel. All the equipment and conversions are working really well
