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Sunday 30 August 2020

Catastrophic Delamination

Well that's a first. While blending the paint, I overworked the surface, and the paint delaminated. I tried to fix the problem, but more paint peeled off.

Oops! A very big oops.

Ooh, what a horrid mess I made.

Then I tried to clean the area, but only made it worse. And as you can tell this is a very sad story that ends with me stripping the model back to bare metal.

However the arms turned out well, so there's that to be grateful for. Count your blessings.

Not a brilliantly sharp shot, handheld, but hopefully you can see the blending?

And because I knew I was entering uncharted territory, trying out new techniques, I still have the other three models to practice on. I'll try not to overwork the paint and avoid making the same mistake twice.

I see myself rewatching a blending tutorial again, paying closer attention to how to not delaminate the paint.

So that all from my workbench for this time. Catch you on the bounce next time.

Monday 17 August 2020

An Acquisition & Taking it to the Next Level: 2

Still shading these, and this picture is mostly for record keeping, and illustrating my painting process.

In other news, my beloved bought me this kit.

Didn't realize it was a kit, but no big deal as it will just make the conversion into a Panzer Jäger Cybertank – from my The Last War: World of Drei stories – that much easier.

Yes I have plans. Cue laughter...

Friday 14 August 2020

Taking it to the Next Level: 1

I've moved my next four conversions forward one more step.

This has been a bit of a journey, learning to put techniques together in different ways, and I'm certainly coming up with a different way of getting to the look that I want.

Refining the process so that next time, hopefully, I will be able to get the unpainted model to finished quicker. But, no guarantee, because art is art.

Saturday 8 August 2020

OMWB Next Batch WIP Update

A quick update. Dog on the left has had the lining/shadows done. Dog on the right painted with a different shade of green. Picture below, is the same Dog after the ink wash/glaze.

This project is still very much an ongoing learning process as I integrate new techniques into my painting and weathering repertoire. Still several more stages to go.

I have bought some texture products to go back over the bases of my first two models too.