Reference Pages

Saturday 25 July 2020

CAS-3-Mod-1 Portraits

Army Combat Armor Suit Mark 3 Model 1 [click to embiggen].

Okay, here are the first two RAFM conversions painted. 

First up is Espera's CAS-3-Mod-1 Ape carrying on the right arm an M75 80mm lightweight high-velocity recoilless autocannon. The left arm has a M134 GAU-2B/A 7.62mm minigun. Finally, the suit has a shoulder mounted missile launcher carrying 15 rockets.

Though Espera only appears in Strike Dog my assumption is that this is a pretty standard Army Ape suit loadout for a weapons specialist.

Army Combat Armor Suit Mark 1 Model 1EV Engineering Variant [click to embiggen].

Pearson's Ape is a CAS-1-Mod-1EV: engineering variant with a shoulder mounted 100mm mortar for demolition work.

Defense against armor suits is provided by a M26 short-recoil light 20mm autocannon that fires a 20 x 102mm high explosive dual purpose anti-armor (HEDP) warhead with a range of 3 kilometers. The M26 comes with an inbuilt Mk 30 40 x 53mm underbarrel grenade launcher effective out to one kilometer.

In addition, the CAS-1-Mod-1EV carries an M240LC general purpose 7.62mm machine gun.

Tell me what you all think about the paint job on these as I tried out a whole bunch of new techniques. Any suggestions for making them better will be gratefully received.


  1. They look great. Other than some mud and dust, there's nothing else I'd offer as a suggestion.

    1. That's a good idea, I shall think about stealing it. ;-)

  2. I think they're excellent. Better than I could do! The only thing I could think of to suggest would be to have rougher texture or flock or something to roughen up the bases. They look smooth and glossy in comparison with the terrain. But I think that's my personal taste rather than a criticism. Well done.

    1. I get what you're saying. For me, it's where to draw the line between tailored bases to match terrain versus generic ones that go with any surface.

      Much to chew on.

  3. The transition between colors seems more gradual and I'm guessing that it is due to the set blending you mentioned to me. It's nice and noticeably more suit and I think it'll be a good addition to your existing styles. I still also like the harsher borders as well so it might be good to use the style for a particular faction(s) in addition to the existing styles for variety.

    1. I assume you mean in comparison to the Russian walker?

  4. I really like the extra details which really bring them to life. My only suggestions would be some dust on the feet and maybe some chips on high corners and leading edges which would catch on trees and rocks. That said, they look great as is!

    1. Yeah, I'm going to experiment in that direction and see how it goes.
