Reference Pages

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Weapons Panopoly


I can't tell you how insanely happy it makes me to have some old RAFM Heavy Gear weapon packs arrive. I just had to array my collection in front of my ongoing RAFM conversions for everyone to see. Look at my weapon stash!

Taht's all. Stay safe, stay well, catch you all on the bounce.


  1. A classic "look at all the lethal ironmongery we can hang off this machine" shot. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you. A reminder in these troubled times to enjoy the little things in life.

  2. Nice! If your goal was to set up one of those military aircraft weapon buffet spreads then you succeeded. :) Now you too can finally use an obscenely oversized blunderbussooka!

    1. That was my goal. Light up the darkness with something fun.

      With regards to said blunderbuss bazookas, I have a broken casting not shown above, which I have a cunning plan to convert into a super awesome thing of thingness.

    2. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. And if that's the only mispack/miscast you've gotten with RAFM HG then you're luckier than me! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Sadly my collection of the 1:87 RAFM Gears still stands at a princely total of...1 !

    2. If you want more I do have some spares. Email me if you're interested, we can talk.

  4. Quite a few spares, enough to do something crazy. Maybe you can make some molds from the basic models and cast them in resin, which you can then equip with some of these leftover weapons.
