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Monday 16 March 2020

WIP 2: Keith & Pearson's CA Suits

Corpsman Keith's Dog still a bit of cleaning up to do, as in adding Milliput to fill gaps etc., but otherwise done (mostly as I have a thought about articulating the claw arms). It's the way I roll.

Quite a lot of fiddly work on articulating the lift arm meant that I didn't get Pearson's suit finished. I still haven't decided if I'm adding a mortar to Pearson's ride, it kind of makes sense that a combat engineer suit would, but not sure where I'm going to mount it.

Here's a close-up of a couple of parts I'm still working on. The two that I haven't identified are bottom center of the picture. I think they may have been part of the open canopy frame, which I decided not to go with, though perhaps I should've?

And yes the boom arm will not only pivot, but also extend (assuming I can figure out how to limit the movement range to prevent it from falling out?).


  1. Any Engineer worth his or her salt should have an oversized bunker-busting petard mounted. Massive overkill and six rounds to reload ... it's the only way!

    Regards, Chris.

    1. Yeah, I like the way you think.

    2. And, feeling honoured that you left a comment too.

  2. In the Marines Combat Engineer wouldn't have a mortar. Mortars are in Weapons Company, or attached as a weapons Platoon or Weapons Team. Or attached to the FIST Team as part of an ANGLICO Atachement.

    Combat Engineers would have SHAPED CHARGES, and a Dozer Blade

    1. Yeah, but Pearson is an Army puke. MAPCOM is a unified combatant command.

    2. But, when I do a Marine combat engineering mech that will be the way to go.

  3. Nicely done. The knee roll bars are an especially nice touch.

    1. The castings were okay, but this is a soft lead miniature and IMO they wouldn't have held up to a lot of handling.
